A New Beginning!

Welcome to my food blog, where I eat talk, cook, eat, live and breathe food. This blog is dedicated to the adventures of doing vegetarian recipes found on this Buddhist website. There are 125 recipes so there will be plenty of adventures to be had. If you ever watched Julie and Julia (2009), you know what this is about minus the drama and pearl necklace. And not that kind of pearl necklace. 

I discovered this "gold mine" of vegetarian recipes by accident and I became so entranced by the yummy pictures (did you see the pictures?) that I decided that my new project will be cook these recipes and write about it. I love learning about new foods and this is a great chance to get my blog on.  As a disclaimer, I am neither a Buddhist or a vegetarian. I do however like to eat healthy so when the recipe calls for deep frying or sticking in a slice of american cheese, I probably will not. Let the adventure begin! 


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